No Rainbows, No Ruby Slippers, But a Pen


International Symposium: Excavating Queer Memories through Visual Media and Archive

This week on the 18th of January, we are welcoming filmmaker/ producer Mr. Stu Maddux from the GLBT Historical Society in San Francisco and film scholar Prof. Mitsuyo Wada-Marciano from Kyoto University to our international symposium "Excavating Queer Memories through Visual Media and Archives." Mr. Maddux will discuss the background of his film Reel In The Closet and archives of home movies by LGBTQ people, Prof. Wada-Marciano will give an overview of film archives in Japan, and I will speak about employing the concept of "cruising" as a possible method of exploring gender/ sexuality related collections at the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum by introducing previous attempts by curators and scholars overseas.